Package io.avaje.jsonb.spi

package io.avaje.jsonb.spi
SPI for the underlying json parsing and generation.

The default implementation uses Jackson Core JsonParser and JsonGenerator.

  • Class
    Factory that is service loaded to create the adapter for underlying json parsing and generation.
    Bootstrap Jsonb.
    Provides a JsonWriter optimised for returning json as string content.
    JsonWriter optimised for returning json as byte array.
    Provides a delegating JsonWriter.
    Marks source code that has been generated.
    Provides the underlying JsonReader and JsonWriter to use.
    For internal use, holds metadata on generated adapters for use by code generation (Java annotation processing).
    For internal use, holds metadata on generated adapters that also have factories.
    Marker interface for IOAdapter specific property names.
    Builds a JsonView.
    A (non-scalar) JsonAdapter that is part of building json views.