Avaje Validator

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Reflection-free POJO validation via apt source code generation. A light (~120kb + generated code) source code generation style alternative to Hibernate Validation. (code generation vs reflection)

Requires Java 17+

Avaje Validator requires Java 17 or higher.

Quick Start

1. Add avaje-validator dependencies.

<!-- Alternatively can use Jakarta/Javax Constraints-->

<!-- If using spring:

2. Add the annotation processor to your pom.

<!-- Annotation processors -->

2a. JDK 23+

In JDK 23+, annotation processors are disabled by default, so we need to add a compiler property to re-enable.


3. Add @Valid onto types we want to serialize.

The avaje-validator-generator annotation processor will generate a ValidationAdapter as java source code for each type annotated with @Valid. These will be automatically registered with validator using a service loader mechanism.

For types we cannot annotate with @Valid we can instead use @ImportValidPojo or @Mixin to modify validation behavior of external classes.

public class Address {

  @NotBlank @Size(max = 100)
  private String street;

  @Size(max = 80)
  private String suburb;

  @NotBlank @Size(max = 80)
  private String city;

  // accessors/getters/setters etc

Also works with records:

public record RingedCity(
      @NotBlank String street,
      List<@NotBlank String> judges,
      @Valid @NotNull DarkEater dragon
) {}

4. Validate your POJO

// build using defaults
Validator validator = Validator.builder().build();

Customer customer = ...;

// will throw a `ConstraintViolationException` containing all the failed constraint violations

// validate with explicit locale for error message lookup
validator.validate(customer, Locale.ENGLISH);

// validate with groups
validator.validate(customer, Locale.ENGLISH, Group1.class);

Java Module Setup

If using java modules, in the module-info.java we need to:

  1. Add a requires clause for io.avaje.validator
  2. Add a provides clause for io.avaje.validator.validator.GeneratedComponent
Example module-info
import io.avaje.validation.Validator.GeneratedComponent;
import io.avaje.validation.spi.ValidationExtension;

module org.example {

  requires io.avaje.validator;

  // you must define the fully qualified class name of generated classes. If you use an import statement, compilation will fail
  provides ValidationExtension with org.example.validator.GeneratedComponent;

  //if running using jlink/jpackage application images with avaje-inject add:
  //requires io.avaje.validator.plugin;

  //if running using jlink/jpackage application images with both avaje-http and inject add:
  //requires io.avaje.validator.http;

In the example above, org.example.validator.GeneratedComponent is generated code typically found in target/generated-sources/annotations.

Avaje/Spring Integration

When used with Avaje Inject or the Spring Framework, a default Validator and AOPMethodValidator instance will be provided. The following properties can be added to configure the construction of the default instance.

validation.failFast //enable fail fast mode
validation.resourcebundle.names // name of ResourceBundle files to load
validation.locale.default //default locale to use (defaults to Locale.getDefault())
validation.locale.addedLocales //Additional Locales this validator should support
validation.temporal.tolerance.value //temporal tolerance value
validation.temporal.tolerance.chronoUnit //What ChronoUnit enum value to use for temporal tolerance (default MILLIS)


We can create a class that implements ValidatorCustomizer that can be loaded via ServiceLoader while the builder is constructing a Validator instance.

public final class Customizer implements ValidatorCustomizer {

  public void customize(Builder builder) {


Configuration of the Validator is provided by the Validator.builder() including setting the default locale, additional locales, additional resource bundles for overriding or customising messages etc.

Refer to Validator.Builder for full details of all the configuration options.


We can specify the Locales that will be used for message interpolation and the default Locale.

Validator validator = Validator.builder()
  .addLocales(Locale.GERMAN, Locale.FRENCH, Locale.ITALIAN)

Supported Locales

Locales with builtin messages for the standard validation annotations are:

Additional resource bundles

To override the built in messages or add messages for your own custom validation annotations, we can add custom resource bundles to the validator.

// build using defaults
Validator validator = Validator.builder()

Where src/main/resources/my/example/CustomMessages.properties contains extra messages that will be used.

To support multiple Locales we would additionally add a properties file per Locale like below:

In this way the Locale specific message will be used, with a fallback to CustomMessages.properties.

Declaring and Validating Bean Constraints

Types annotated with @Valid are picked up by the avaje-validator-generator at compile time and an adapter is generated to perform validations.

Field Validation

Constraints can be expressed by annotating a field with 1 or more validation annotations.

public class Car {

  @NotBlank @Size(max=40)
  private String manufacturer;

  private boolean isRegistered;

  // getters...

Getter Validation

It is also possible to annotate methods that have no arguments to validate the return type.

public class Car {

  private String manufacturer;

  private boolean isRegistered;

  public String getManufacturer() {
      return manufacturer;

  public boolean isRegistered() {
      return isRegistered;


When a field/method is marked with any form of @Nullable, constraints will only take effect when the field/method result is not null.

Container element constraints

It is possible to specify constraints directly on the type argument of a parameterized type: these constraints are called container element constraints.

Avaje Validator supports container element constraints specified on the following standard Java containers:

public class Ship {
  private Map<@NotBlank String, @Valid @NotNull CrewMate> crew;

  private List<@NotBlank String> tasks;


Optional element constraints

Optional and their variants work slightly differently than regular container types. The values are automatically unwrapped, so constraints must be placed the the field itself instead of the container.

public record CurseBearer(
    @NotBlank(message = "It'll happen to you too") Optional<String> name, //the value contained within is validated
    @Positive OptionalInt estus,
    @Positive(message = "You Died") OptionalLong souls,
    @Positive(message = "vigor check failed") OptionalDouble vigor) {}

Cross-Field / Class-level constraints

A constraint can also be placed on the class level for "Cross Field" validation. The input for the validation is the complete object and this is used when the validation depends on multiple properties of an object.

A class level constraint is ONLY executed if all field level validations have already passed. The implementation is allowed to assume that all fields have already been deemed valid passing all field level validation constraints.

The UserRegistrationForm class has email and confirmEmail and the validation requirement is that these 2 fields need to have matching values.

public class UserRegistrationForm {

  @NotBlank @Email
  private String email;

  @NotBlank @Email
  private String confirmEmail;

  // ...
Step 1: Define the validation constraint annotation
public @interface RegistrationFormValidation {
  String message() default "Confirm Email must match Email"; // default error message

  Class<?>[] groups() default {}; // groups
Step 2: Define a ConstraintAdapter for the annotation

We need to define a ConstraintAdapter that processes the @RegistrationFormValidation taking the UserRegistrationForm as input, and validation logic has access to all the fields.

public final class RegistrationFormValidationAdapter extends AbstractConstraintAdapter<UserRegistrationForm> {

  public RegistrationFormValidationAdapter(AdapterCreateRequest request) {

  public boolean isValid(UserRegistrationForm registrationForm) {
    // all field validation has passed
    return registrationForm.email().equals(registrationForm.confirmEmail());

Cascaded Validation

Avaje Validator supports validating complete object graphs. To do so, just annotate a field or property representing a reference to another object with @Valid

public class Ship {

  @Valid // an adapter will be generated for Crewmate as well
  private Crewmate mate;

  // ...

class Crewmate {

  private String name;

  private boolean sus;

  // ...

Inherited Constraints

When a class implements an interface or extends another class, all constraint annotations declared on the super-type apply in the same manner as the constraints specified on the class itself. To make things clearer, let's have a look at the following example:

class Car {

    private String manufacturer;

    public String getManufacturer() {
        return manufacturer;

    // ...

class RentalCar extends Car {

  private String rentalStation;

  public String getRentalStation() {
      return rentalStation;

  // ...

Here the class RentalCar is a subclass of Car and adds the property rentalStation . If an instance of RentalCar is validated, not only the @NotNull constraint on rentalStation is evaluated, but also the constraint on manufacturer from the parent class. The same would be true, if Car was not a superclass but an interface implemented by RentalCar. Constraint annotations are aggregated if methods are overridden. So if RentalCar overrode the getManufacturer() method from Car, any constraints annotated at the overriding method would be evaluated in addition to the @NotNull constraint from the superclass.


For dynamic validation of polymorphic types, we specify on the parent type a @ValidSubtypes for each concrete sub-type that can represent that type.

@ValidSubtypes({Car.class, Truck.class})
public abstract class Vehicle {

Sealed abstract classes/interfaces do not require specifying the types in the annotation.

public sealed interface Vehicle permits Car, Truck {
Generated Code: (click to expand)

Given this class:

public abstract class Vehicle {

public class Car extends Vehicle {

public class Truck extends Vehicle {

The below adapter will be generated to route to respective adapters:

public class VehicleValidationAdapter implements ValidationAdapter<Vehicle> {
  private final ValidationAdapter<Car> subAdapter0;
  private final ValidationAdapter<Truck> subAdapter1;
  public VehicleValidationAdapter(ValidationContext ctx) {
    this.subAdapter0 = ctx.adapter(Car.class);
    this.subAdapter1 = ctx.adapter(Truck.class);
  public boolean validate(Vehicle value, ValidationRequest request, String field) {
    //will generate a pattern matching switch expression on JDK 21+ 
    if (value instanceof Car val) {
      return subAdapter0.validate(val, request, field);
    if (value instanceof Truck val) {
      return subAdapter1.validate(val, request, field);
    return true;


Say we want to override the validation behavior on a class we can't modify. (For example, a class in an external project/dependency). We can use @Mixin to add/override constraint annotations on the specified type.

public class Swallow {
  private String species;
  private int avgSpeed;
  private boolean isLaden;

Given the above class, we can use the @Mixin annotation on an abstract class to effectively add/override constraint annotations.

@EntryRiddleCheck //class constraints can be added as well
public abstract class SwallowMixin {
  //Add NotBlank
  @NotBlank("species shouldn't be null")
  String species;

  //adding the target field without any annotations disables the constraints
  boolean isLaden;
Generated Code: (click to expand)

Given the above mixin, the SwallowValidationAdapter becomes:

public final class SwallowValidationAdapter implements ValidationAdapter<Swallow> {

  private final ValidationAdapter<String> speciesValidationAdapter;
  private final ValidationAdapter.Primitive avgSpeedValidationAdapter;
  private final ValidationAdapter<Swallow> swallowValidationAdapter;

  public SwallowValidationAdapter(ValidationContext ctx) {
    this.speciesValidationAdapter =
        ctx.<String>adapter(NotBlank.class, Map.of("max",0, "message","species shouldn\'t be null", "_type","String"));

    this.avgSpeedValidationAdapter =
        ctx.<Integer>adapter(Positive.class, Map.of("message","{avaje.Positive.message}", "_type","Integer"))

    this.swallowValidationAdapter =
        ctx.<Swallow>adapter(EntryRiddleCheck.class, Map.of());


  public boolean validate(Swallow value, ValidationRequest request, String field) {
    if (field != null) {
    var _$species = value.getSpecies();
    speciesValidationAdapter.validate(_$species, request, "species");

    var _$avgSpeed = value.getAvgSpeed();
    avgSpeedValidationAdapter.validate(_$avgSpeed, request, "avgSpeed");

    if (!request.hasViolations()) {
      swallowValidationAdapter.validate(value, request, field);

    if (field != null) {
    return true;

Method Validation

Constraints can not only be applied to POJOs and their properties, but also to the parameters and return values of the methods of Java types.


Adding @ValidMethod to a method will generate classes that contain adapters for the methods parameters/return types. These classes can be wired by a JSR-330 compliant DI library for use in AOP to execute the validations.

Avaje Validator has an integration with Avaje Inject to provide a default AOP method validator for bean classes. So when used with avaje inject, the below method will be proxied and validated.

public class GraphService {

  public long calculate(@Positive int x, @Negative int x){

Generated code

public final class TestParamProvider implements MethodAdapterProvider {

  public Method method() throws Exception {
    return MethodTest.class.getDeclaredMethod("test", List.class,int.class,String.class);

  public List<ValidationAdapter<Object>> paramAdapters(ValidationContext ctx) {
    return List.of(
        ctx.<Object>adapter(Positive.class, Map.of("groups",Set.of(), "message","{io.avaje.validation.constraints.Positive.message}")),
        ctx.<Object>adapter(Negative.class, Map.of("groups",Set.of(), "message","{io.avaje.validation.constraints.Negative.message}")));

  public ValidationAdapter<Object> returnAdapter(ValidationContext ctx) {
    return ctx.<Object>adapter(PositiveOrZero.class, Map.of("groups",Set.of(), "message","{io.avaje.validation.constraints.message}"));

Constraint Error Messages

Declaring Messages

Constraint violation messages are initially retrieved from the message annotation value. Each constraint defines its default message value using the message. At declaration time, the default value can be overridden with a specific value as shown below:

public class Car {

  @NotNull(message = "The manufacturer name must not be null")
  private String manufacturer;

ResourceBundle Loading

If the message value begins and ends with brackets, avaje will check the configured ResourceBundles using the bracket contents. If any bundle contains an entry for a given message parameter, the messeage parameter will be replaced with the corresponding value from the bundle. This step will be executed recursively in case the replaced value begins/ends with brackets.

The resource bundle is expected to be provided by the application developer, e.g. by adding a file named ValidationMessages.properties to the classpath and registering it via the builder (either by the filename or the bundle instance itself). You can also create localized error messages by providing locale specific variations of bundles, such as ValidationMessages_en_US.properties. When validating, you can provide the locale to use to lookup messages. By default, Locale#getDefault() will be used when looking up messages in the bundle.

To register bundles with the validator, add the filename to the validator builder, or directly add the ResourceBundle instance to the builder.

public class Car {
  // will search configured bundles for bundle.key
  @NotNull(message = "{bundle.key}")
  private String manufacturer;

Message Interpolation

If a constraint is violated, its descriptor will be interpolated by the currently configured MessageInterpolator. The interpolated error message can then be retrieved from the resulting constraint violation by calling ConstraintViolation#getMessage(). Below is the signature for MessageInterpolator.

public interface MessageInterpolator {

   * Interpolate the given message with the annotation attributes
   * @param template The template loaded from annotation/resourceBundle
   * @param attributes The Constraint annotation's attributes
   * @return The interpolated validation error message
  String interpolate(String template, Map<String, Object> attributes);

Default Message Interpolation

If no MessageInterpolator is provided, the default interpolator reads the string for brackets, then replaces them with the corresponding annotation attribute. See the below example.

        min = 2,
        max = 14,
        message = "Value must be between {min} and {max} characters long"
private Collection<String> values;

by default, the error message will be interpolated to: Value must be between 2 and 14 characters long.

Grouping Constraints

All validation methods on Validator take a var-arg argument groups. Groups allow you to restrict the set of constraints applied during validation. One use case for validation groups are UI wizards where in each step only a specified subset of constraints should get validated. The groups targeted are passed as var-arg parameters to the appropriate validate method.

Let's have a look at an example. Below we have a set of classes to be validated

class Car {

  @NotNull //Group-less constraints will automatically be assigned the avaje Default group.
  private String manufacturer;

  @Size(min = 2, max = 14)
  private String licensePlate;

  private int seatCount;

  //Constraints with groups execute only if there is a group matching in the validation request.
          message = "The car has to pass the vehicle inspection first",
          groups = CarChecks.class
  private boolean passedVehicleInspection;

  // all-args contructor, getters ...
// create a car and check that everything is ok with it.
Car car = new Car("Morris", "DD-AB-123", 2, false);
validator.validate(car); // because inspection is not in default group no exception
try {
// Check the inspection (it won't pass)
validator.validate(car, CarChecks.class );
} catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) {

  var constraintViolations = ex.violations();
  assertEquals(1, constraintViolations.size());
          "The car has to pass the vehicle inspection first",

The first validate() call is done using no explicit group. There are no validation errors even though the property passedVehicleInspection is false, as the constraint defined on the property does not belong to the default group.

The next validation using the CarChecks group fails until the car passes the vehicle inspection.

Custom Constraints

Avaje Validation defines a whole set of standard constraint annotations such as @NotNull, @Size etc. In cases where these built-in constraints are not sufficient, you can easily create custom constraints tailored to your specific validation requirements.

To create a custom constraint, the following two steps are required:

  1. Create a constraint annotation
  2. Implement an adapter to validate objects


We use the @Constraint annotation to mark an annotation class as a composable constraint annotation. The below example section shows how to write a constraint annotation which ensures that a given string is either completely upper case or lower case.

@Constraint //for Jakarta/Javax versions, use @Constraint(validatedBy = { })
public @interface CheckCase {

    String message() default "{io.avaje.validator.CheckCase}"; //default error message

    Class<?>[] groups() default { }; //groups

    CaseMode value(); //specify case mode

    public enum CaseMode {

With our @CheckCase annotation in hand, we must now create a specialized AbstractConstraintAdapter that can validate a value using the annotation's attributes.


We use the ConstraintAdapter to mark a type as a Constraint Adapter that targets a constraint annotation.

public final class CheckCaseAdapter extends AbstractConstraintAdapter<String> {

  private final CaseMode caseMode;

  public CheckCaseAdapter(AdapterCreateRequest request) {
    final var attributes = request.attributes();
    caseMode = (CaseMode) attributes.get("caseMode");

  public boolean isValid(String object) {
    if (caseMode == CaseMode.UPPER) {
      return object.equals(object.toUpperCase());
    } else {
      return object.equals(object.toLowerCase());

The AbstractConstraintAdapter class defines one type parameter which describes the type of elements which the validator can handle (String). In case a constraint supports several data types, set the type as Object and use JDK 17+ pattern matching to validate each allowed type.

The implementation of the validator is straightforward. The constructor gives you access to the attribute values of the constraint being validated and allows you to store them in a field as shown in the example.

The isValid() method contains the actual validation logic. For @CheckCase this is the check whether a given string is either completely lower case or upper case, depending on the case mode retrieved by the constructor. Note that the Jakarta Bean Validation specification recommends to consider null values as being valid. If null is not a valid value for an element, it should be annotated with @NotNull explicitly.


We use the @CrossParamContraint annotation to mark an annotation class as a composable constraint annotation for cross-parameter validations. These apply to the array of parameters of a method and can be used to express validation logic which depend on several parameter values.

In the following example, we create a cross param contraint that validates whether a triangle abides by Pythagoras' theorum.

@interface Pythagorean {
// message and group members...

public class Geometry {
  String triangle(Integer sideA, Integer sideB, Integer hypotenuse) {
    return regular;

Now we create the corresponding adapter for @Pythagorean. Cross-param adapters must accept an Object[] representing a method's parameters.

public final class PythagoreanAdapter extends AbstractConstraintAdapter<Object[]> {

  public PythagoreanAdapter(AdapterCreateRequest request) {

  public boolean isValid(Object[] params) {
    var a = (Integer) params[0];
    var b = (Integer) params[1];
    var c = (Integer) params[2];

    return a * a + b * b == c * c;

Composing Constraints

You can create high level constraints that composed of several basic constraints @NotNull, @Size etc. To create a composed constraint, simply annotate the constraint declaration with @Constraint and its comprising constraints. The annotation processor will generate an adapter for the composable constraint that will execute the constraints in sequence.

@Size(min = 2, max = 14)
public @interface ValidLicensePlate {

    String message() default "{io.avaje.ValidLicensePlate.message}";

    Class<?>[] groups() default { };

Using the new composed constraint at the licensePlate field is fully equivalent to the previous version in the groups example, where the three constraints were declared directly at the field itself:

public class Car {

  private String licensePlate;

  // ...