Annotation Type InjectModule

Used to explicitly specify if it depends on externally provided beans or provides.

External dependencies

Use requires to specify dependencies that will be provided externally.

   // tell the annotation processor Pump and Grinder are provided externally
   // otherwise it will think we have missing dependencies at compile time

   @InjectModule(requires = {Pump.class, Grinder.class})


Custom scope depending on another scope

When using custom scopes we can have the case where we desire one scope to depend on another. In this case we put the custom scope annotation in requires.

For example lets say we have a custom scope called StoreComponent and that depends on QueueComponent custom scope.

   @InjectModule(requires = {QueueComponent.class})
   public @interface StoreComponent {

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Internal use only - identifies the custom scope annotation associated to this module.
    Set to true to ignore anything annotated with @Singleton.
    Explicitly specify the name of the module.
    Explicitly define features that are provided by this module and required by other modules.
    The dependencies that are provided externally or by other modules and that are required when wiring this module.
    Dependencies in these packages are expected to be provided by other modules.
  • Element Details

    • name

      Explicitly specify the name of the module.
    • ignoreSingleton

      Set to true to ignore anything annotated with @Singleton.

      Set this to true when some other library is using @Singleton and we want avaje-inject to be completely independent of that by ignoring the standard @Singleton.

      We instead use @Component instead of @Singleton.

    • provides

      Explicitly define features that are provided by this module and required by other modules.

      This is used to order wiring across multiple modules. Modules that provide dependencies should be wired before modules that require dependencies.

    • requires

      The dependencies that are provided externally or by other modules and that are required when wiring this module.

      This effectively tells the annotation processor that these types are expected to be provided and to not treat them as missing dependencies. If we don't do this the annotation processor thinks the dependency is missing and will error the compilation saying there is a missing dependency.

    • requiresPackages

      Dependencies in these packages are expected to be provided by other modules.

      Instead of listing each and every dependency in requires we can use this to specify that any required dependency that is in these packages is expected to be provided by another module.

      Use this rather than requires when there are lots of required dependencies, and we don't want to list each one in requires and provides.

    • customScopeType

      Internal use only - identifies the custom scope annotation associated to this module.

      When a module is generated for a custom scope this is set to link the module back to the custom scope annotation and support partial compilation.
