Package io.avaje.inject

package io.avaje.inject
Avaje Inject API - see BeanScope.

   // Annotate classes with @Singleton, @Factory etc

   public class CoffeeMaker { ... }

   public class Pump { ... }


   // Create BeanScope to wire and access beans

   BeanScope scope = BeanScope.builder()

   // use it
   CoffeeMaker coffeeMaker = scope.get(CoffeeMaker.class);

   // close it to fire preDestroy lifecycle methods

  • Class
    Marks methods on a @Factory bean that create dependencies.
    A bean entry with priority and optional name.
    Holds beans created by dependency injection.
    Build a bean scope with options for shutdown hook and supplying external dependencies.
    Extends the building with testing specific support for mocks and spies.
    Identify a bean as component with singleton scope that avaje-inject will use.
    Specify types to generate DI classes for.
    A singleton bean that has methods marked with the @Bean annotation.
    Used to explicitly specify if it depends on externally provided beans or provides.
    The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization.
    The PreDestroy annotation is used on a method as a callback notification to signal that the instance is in the process of being removed by the container.
    Identify a bean as being the preferred bean to inject when multiple beans implement the intended interface.
    The Priority annotation can be applied to classes to indicate in what order they should be returned via @BeanScope.listByPriority(Class).
    Expresses a requirement for a bean to be wired/registered into the BeanScope.
    Specify a bean that has prototype scope.
    Marks an Map<String, T> field/parameter to receive a map of beans keyed by qualifier name.
    Expresses a requirement for a bean to be wired/registered into the BeanScope.
    Expresses a requirement for a bean to be wired/registered into the BeanScope.
    Identify a bean as being the least preferred bean to inject when multiple beans implement the intended interface.