Package io.avaje.inject.spi

package io.avaje.inject.spi
Building bean scope objects expected to only be used by generated code.
  • Class
    Factory for creating a bean given a single request scope argument.
    Factory for creating a bean given two request scope arguments.
    Mutable builder object used when building a bean scope.
    Hold bean dependency metadata intended for internal use by code generation (Java annotation processing).
    Holds Spy setup consumers for dependency injection using Mockito Spy.
    Marks source code that has been generated.
    Represents a full type including generics declaration, to avoid information loss due to type erasure.
    A Module that can be included in BeanScope.
    Marker for custom scoped modules.
    A Plugin that can be applied when creating a bean scope.
    Plugin interface which contains the application properties used for wiring.
    Marks the type as being a Proxy.
    Holds beans supplied to the dependency injection.