All Classes and Interfaces

Factory that is service loaded to create the adapter for underlying json parsing and generation.
Bootstrap Jsonb.
Provides a JsonWriter optimised for returning json as string content.
JsonWriter optimised for returning json as byte array.
Marks a type as a basic user-provided JsonAdapter to be registered automatically.
Provides a delegating JsonWriter.
Marks source code that has been generated.
Marks a type for JSON support.
Define one or more alternative names for a property accepted during deserialization.
Exclude the property from serialization, deserialization or both.
Specify types to generate JsonAdapters for.
- migrate to Json.Alias.
Mark this Class as a MixIn Type that can add Jsonb Annotations on the specified type.
The naming convention that we can use for a given type.
Override the json property name.
Marks a String field as containing raw JSON content.
Specify the subtypes that a given type can be represented as.
Container of all the concrete SubType's that an interface type or abstract type can be represented as.
Annotate a Map<String,Object> field to hold unmapped json properties.
Mark a method on an Enum that provides the json value.
The core API for serialization to and from json.
Factory for creating a JsonAdapter.
Provides access to json adapters by type.
Function to build a JsonAdapter that needs Jsonb.
Build the Jsonb instance adding JsonAdapter, Factory or AdapterBuilder.
Components register JsonAdapters Jsonb.Builder
User defined components to register custom JsonAdapters with Jsonb.Builder.
Thrown when data being parsed is not encoded as valid json or attempting to write invalid json.
Thrown when we hit EOF unexpectedly.
Thrown when the data being parsed is not encoded as valid JSON, method invocation fails for json views, or and underlying IOException occurs.
Thrown when underlying IOException occurred during read or write of json.
Output that can be aware of server content chunking.
Reads json content as a stream of JSON tokens and content.
A structure, name, or value type in a JSON-encoded string.
Default implementation of JsonStreamAdapter provided with Jsonb.
Used to build JsonStream with custom settings.
Provides the underlying JsonReader and JsonWriter to use.
Provides API to serialise a type to and from JSON.
Represents a subset of properties that can be written as json.
Writes json content.
For internal use, holds metadata on generated adapters for use by code generation (Java annotation processing).
For internal use, holds metadata on generated adapters that also have factories.
Marker interface for IOAdapter specific property names.
Factory methods for types.
Builds a JsonView.
A (non-scalar) JsonAdapter that is part of building json views.