Interface Jsonb.Builder

Enclosing interface:

public static interface Jsonb.Builder
Build the Jsonb instance adding JsonAdapter, Factory or AdapterBuilder.
  • Method Details

    • serializeNulls

      Jsonb.Builder serializeNulls(boolean serializeNulls)
      Set to serialise null values or not.

      Default is to not serialise nulls.

    • serializeEmpty

      Jsonb.Builder serializeEmpty(boolean serializeEmpty)
      Set to serialise empty collections or not.

      Default is to serialize empty collections.

    • failOnUnknown

      Jsonb.Builder failOnUnknown(boolean failOnUnknown)
      Set failOnUnknown to true such that an exception is thrown when unknown properties are read in the json content.
    • mathTypesAsString

      Jsonb.Builder mathTypesAsString(boolean mathTypesAsString)
      Set to true for BigDecimal and BigInteger to serialise as String values rather than number values.
    • adapter

      Jsonb.Builder adapter(JsonStreamAdapter streamAdapter)
      Explicitly set the adapter to use.

      When not set the JsonStreamAdapter is service loaded using AdapterFactory with a fallback default of using the builtin implementation.

      streamAdapter - The underlying adapter to use when generating and parsing
    • add

      <T> Jsonb.Builder add(Type type, JsonAdapter<T> jsonAdapter)
      Add a JsonAdapter to use for the given type.
    • add

      Add a AdapterBuilder which provides a JsonAdapter to use for the given type.
    • add

      Jsonb.Builder add(JsonbComponent component)
      Add a Component which can provide multiple JsonAdapters and or configuration.
    • add

      Add a JsonAdapter.Factory which provides JsonAdapters to use.
    • build

      Jsonb build()
      Build and return the Jsonb instance with all the given adapters and factories registered.